Aerial photography

With the advancement of technology, UAVs have taken over the market of aerial photography by a substantial amount. Using aerial photography via helicopter shots or drones, you can introduce and present the magnificence and glory of your office space (such as factories, construction projects, conventions and assemblies, road construction, industrial towns, etc.) to your target audience. The first step towards taking high quality photos is having an updated photographer drone. Thus, Espad Sepehr Parseh enterprise offers its clients a more varied range of choices by having official permits from the national aviation organization and employing fully equipped drones in different sizes and qualities. Moreover, it has made it possible to provide services in fields like recreation, commerce and industry. Therefore, our experts suggest the best option after evaluating the size and the needs of a project. UAVs are able to move swiftly in enclosed spaces because of their sensors which means that video directors can display their creativity while taking photographs inside a building.

Categorization of aerial photographs
Media photography

This kind of photography is utilized in media related projects or for entertainment and advertisement purposes.

Live photography

This type of video will be recorded and sent instantly and is used in industrial projects for surveillance and inspection and can also capture a project’s advancement live.

transmitting the photos as raw data

In aerial mapping after dispatching the data by an operator, we can use image processing software to present the information.

The advantages of aerial cinematography

  • Monitoring environmental health of living organizations and also humans by using aerial scan
  • accurate and organized testing and monitoring the health of the crops
  • monitoring transmission lines of water, oil and gas
  • help and rescue
Photography samples